
6th Blog Anniversary!

Today is the sixth anniversary of my blog! Six years ago, I began my blogging journey. I have learnt so much throughout this journey and my love for food has grown so much more. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for joining my journey. I love… Continue reading 6th Blog Anniversary!

Accompaniment · Chutneys

Bottle Gourd Peels Chutney

This chutney has a unique, but very delicious flavour and can be eaten with pulav, chapati, roti, etc. The unique flavour of the bottle gourd peels when combined with crushed peanuts, mint leaves, coriander leaves, chillies, and some ginger makes the perfect chutney/dip! Bottle gourd is rich in fiber and essential minerals, iron and protein.… Continue reading Bottle Gourd Peels Chutney